You may also be hearing your instructor but no music in the class, this could be because you are on a really old app version that does not have our new music streaming service (FeedFM) especially in live classes.
If connecting the tablet to your 2.4GHz home network (not a 5GHz) or your phone's hotspot does not get the tablet to update it's app version, then you will need to select remind me later, tap on the More tab in the bottom right corner and then scroll all the way down and get your tablet's current Tablet Firmware and App version.
If you are on a simi new app version you may not see More in the bottom right corner, in that case you will see a Me tab either on the left center on your tablet or the bottom right, depending on the version you are on.
If you see a Me tab select it and then tap on the gear/cog icon in the top right.
You will now be in the More section of the app.
You will have to scroll all the way down to get the Tablet Firmware and the App version your tablet is currently on.
You will not be able to get these two versions by selecting the Tablet Firmware or the Check For App Update options.
The Tablet Firmware will be a long series of letters and numbers and the app version will be just above it in the same location.
Once you have these two version, please contact customer service as we will need your current versions to provide you the needed steps as a workaround to get updated.
These steps should only ever have to be done once as long as your current tablet firmware has a new available update for it.
To see if your tablet has a new firmware available please see this FAQ link here>
As of 01/10/25 we only have one tablet firmware, we do not have a new firmware available for yet. Regardless if you select Tablet Firmware from the More section of the app, it will tell you there is no available updates, as the tablet will not detect the update availability without the proper update steps we will need to provide you.