Will badges start from when we update or will our history carry over?
You will keep your current badges. It’s important to note, while badges were imported from the old system, they may have been incorrect. When you take a new workout with the update, badges will be recalculated and you may be awarded any missing badges. For example, some modalities were missing 75 and 250 badges. If you have more completed workouts, you will be awarded those older badges as well as any newer badges.
Will the badges on the reflect also be updated to reflect our accurate workout count?
There was an issue with reflect badges on launch week, but this has been resolved and does not require an app update. Reflect will also be receiving a new Me tab in the short term future as well.
Will the reflect workout count also be ported into the echelon app?
The Reflect workout count does appear in the Echelon app. Workouts from other modalities will also appear in the Reflect Me tab whenever it is launched. However, you will not be able to see workout details for Reflect classes on the Echelon app and vice versa.
Where can I find my stats in the app?
You can find your workout stats on the Me tab for all of your workouts. For specific classes, you can tap on a class from any screen they are shown (featured, classes, search, Me, recent workouts, etc) and tap Open Stats on the class image to see all of the stats from that specific class.
Where is the Friends tab?
The old more tab is still available by going to Me and tapping the gear icon in the upper right.
Is there a place to look for updates?
You can check for updates by rebooting your equipment and the Google Play store.
I did notice that only my OD rides are showing the advanced data. The Live rides I have taken over the last couple of days are only showing the summary data. Is that something that will populate later or only for new Live rides?
Live rides can take sometime to populate depending on what platform they were taken on. As the iOS release rolls out, this delay will shorten significantly. For users who only take classes on Android or Mounted Tablet devices, this delay should only be a few minutes.
No more red dot day? Red dots are replaced with blue dots
The red dot is no longer there, but the days on which you worked out are highlighted blue.
What modalities are still waiting for the update? (My 8s couldn’t complete the update.)
The update is not modality specific. All Android and Mounted Tablet devices can update. iOS will be available in Late August or Early September.
Why is my streak changing days even though I work out every day?
If you take classes on an iOS device between workouts on an Android device, it can cause your streak to reset. Do not worry, it will update correctly on your next Android workout. Example, you have worked out 7 days in a row on your Mounted Tablet, but take a row class the next day on your iPad. Your streak may reset to 0, but if you take a class the next day on your Mounted Tablet, your streak will update again to 9. This works even if you take consecutive classes for days on end with your iPad, and then again on your Android device. For more information on this, please see our article here.
Where can I find my Personal Best?
You can find your Personal Best in your class details, and compare your stats over time!