If you are experiencing no music, (even though you can hear the instructor) in some or all classes (Live, On-Demand, or Encore) on your mounted tablet, please do the following:
Check the tablet firmware. This can be found at the bottom of the More page.
*If you have a newer app version you will need to open the Me tab and then the gear/cog icon in the top right to get to the More page.
If the firmware contains the name 'glorystar', please contact our customer service department to discuss options. (If you have a GloryStar tablet you will not have a Me tab.)
If you have a different type of mounted tablet, please do the following:
Completely unplug the equipment from power for 1 min. Then re-plug.
Once tablet is powered back on, check for any app updates. The app should prompt you for an update if one is available, if not, you can also check by going to the More page and selecting 'Check for App Updates'.
Once power cycled and up to date, the tablet should now have music in classes.
If you still do not hear music, please see this FAQ link> https://echelonfit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/37246164748179-My-tablet-is-on-an-older-app-version-but-does-not-update-successfully-when-I-select-Update-Now